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Right to a guarantee pension when residing outside Sweden

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Den här texten publicerades för mer än ett år sedan. Viss fakta kan ha ändrats.

On Wednesday 22 June, the Parliament decided that the right to take a guarantee pension with you when emigrating from Sweden would cease in October 2022. If you already live outside Sweden, your entitlement to a guarantee pension ceases in January 2023. 

This decision applies to anyone who currently resides outside Sweden or who does so in future and who is paid a guarantee pension and guarantee pension for an adjustment pension.

If you receive an income pension, premium pension, supplementary pension, income pension complement or income-related survivor’s pension, this will not be affected and you will continue to receive payments irrespective of where you live.

This applies to you if you receive a guarantee pension and reside in a country other than Sweden:

  • If you are entitled to a guarantee pension in September 2022, you will continue to receive payments up to and including December 2022.
  • If you reside outside Sweden and apply for a guarantee pension, no new guarantee pensions will be approved from 1 October 2022.
  • The new law does not apply to those born in 1937 or earlier. Nor does it affect guarantee pension for widow’s pensions.

This applies to you if you receive a guarantee pension and plan to move to another country:

  • If you plan to leave Sweden before 1 October 2022, and you remain within the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you are entitled to keep your guarantee pension up to and including December 2022.
  • If you plan to leave Sweden after 1 October 2022, you are not entitled take your guarantee pension with you irrespective of which country you move to.

What happens now?

If the new law affects you, the Swedish Pensions Agency will send you a letter in October containing further information regarding the upcoming withdrawal of guarantee pensions. We will be sending out decisions in December.


On 7 December 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a ruling clarifying that guarantee pensions for those born in 1938 or later and guarantee pensions for adjustment pensions shall be categorised as minimum benefits pursuant to EU regulations. A minimum benefit is only paid to residents of the country granting the benefit.

Those residing outside Sweden after the ruling have continued to receive payment of their guarantee pension pursuant to temporary national legislation. This temporary legislation ceases to apply from October 2022.