In order to get the green symbol, M/E, by the Swedish Pensions Agency the fund management company needs to, besides filling in the Hållbarhetsprofilen:
- Have a clear description of and a well defined process making sure the fund takes environmental and/or ethical considerations when investing.
- The direction to take environmental and/or ethical considerations must be explicit in information about the fund and when marketing the fund.
- The fund management company must also have a systematic and regular review of this direction (in the annual report and the semi annual report)
- The fund management company must, of course, in reality follow this direction when the fund is making its investments.
The Hållbarhetsprofilen gives the fund management companies with M/E-marking the possibility to describe how they, when making investments,
- Choose – what type of company the fund invests in.
- Opting out – what type of companies the fund does not invest in.
- Influence – how the fund does influence companies.
- Follow up – how the fund reassures that the criteria are being followed.
In order to have a fund marked with M/E by the Swedish Pensions Agency the fund management company must, to the Swedish Pensions Agency, send in the registered texts describing the fund at Hållbarhetsprofilen.
The fund management company must turn to Swesif in order to get the log in to Hållbarhetsprofilen.