Declare or change your pension from another country
You log in with your e-ID (swedish). Please check that the details we have about your pension payments from another country are correct. If they are not correct, or if you have other pensions that we have no information about, you must to declare this.
Useful information
- You will find it useful to obtain recent payment statements, decisions or other documents from the authority or body that pays your pension before you start filling in your declaration. Contact the payer if you do not have any supporting documents.
- You do not need to submit a declaration or contact us if the details we have are correct.
- You must notify us if you have received a letter from the Swedish Pensions Agency about declaring a pension from another country and do not receive such payments. The easiest way to do this is to contact our customer service on 0771 776 776.
These are the details you need to provide
You must declare the following if you receive a pension from another country and we have not yet received details about these payments:
- the country from which you receive your pension
- your insurance number in the country from which you receive your pension
- who pays your pension
- what type of pension you are receiving
- the currency in which your pension is paid
- the relevant amount in the original currency, before tax and any other charges.