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Do you live outside Sweden and have received a letter regarding your guarantee pension?

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The right to receive a guarantee pension when residing outside Sweden ceases from January 2023. If you receive guarantee pension and live outside Sweden, you have received a letter informing you that you are no longer entitled to a guarantee pension, as we have information that shows us that you live in a country other than Sweden.

Bor du utanför Sverige och har fått brev om garantipension?

If you live outside Sweden and a Swedish guarantee pension which was paid out in September 2022, you have received a letter informing you that the Swedish Pensions Agency will withdraw your guarantee pension as of January 2023. December 2022 will be the last month of payment.

Income pension, premium pension, supplementary pension and income pension complement will not be affected by the withdrawal, they will continue to be paid as before. 

Depending on the country in which you live, you may be entitled to other benefits from that country. Read here about the different benefits available in each country within the EU, EEA and Switzerland. Your rights country by country

If you are planning to move abroad and are entitled to a guarantee pension in Sweden, it will be withdrawn if you move from Sweden after September 2022. If you are planning to move outside Sweden

This applies to those who have a guarantee pension and reside in a country other than Sweden:

  •  If you were entitled to a guarantee pension as of September 2022, you will continue to receive guarantee pension until December 2022.
  • We have information that shows that you are permanent reside in a country other than Sweden, and because of that, you are no longer entitled to a guarantee pension from January 2023.
  • You will receive a decision regarding the withdrawal of your guarantee pension in December 2022.
  • If you were born in 1937 or earlier, you will not be affected by this change in national legislation.

How much guarantee pension do I receive?

Your guarantee pension is visible on your payment statement which you received from the Swedish Pensions Agency in August 2022, it shows the amount you received before tax deductions. 

The image shows an example of how the payment statement may look like.

An example of a paymant statment.

You may have received the payment notification by regular post but if you previously notify us of a digital mailbox, you received the payment notification in that mailbox. If you have a Swedish Bank-ID, you can sign in to My pages (Mina sidor) to see your payment notification.

When are you considered permanent reside in Sweden?

There are various factors that determine whether you should be considered residing in Sweden or in another country. We take your entire situation into consideration and if you are staying in more than one country, we take these factors into consideration for example:

  • Where do you spend most of your time, in which country?
  •  How have previous assessments been regarding your country of residence?
  •  Where does your family and relatives reside?
  •  What kind of accommodation do you have in the different countries?
  •  In which country are you liable for tax? What do decisions regarding tax deductions look like here in Sweden?

If you think that the Swedish Pensions Agency has incorrect information about your residence status, you should start by contacting the Swedish Tax Agency and notify them of your permanent residence in Sweden. After you have been registered in Sweden, the Swedish Pensions Agency can reconsider your right to guarantee pension, based on the information you may provide us with.

Have you not received a letter but reside outside Sweden?

The Swedish Pensions Agency has sent letters to those who will receive a lower or withdrawal payment in January 2023. If you have not received a letter, your national public pension payment will not be affected by the withdrawal of guarantee pension. You may be entitled to a guarantee pension but will still not receive a payment of that specific pension as it may be reduced entirely by your income pension and supplementary pension. If so, you will not be affected by this change in the national legislation.

If you were born in 1937 or earlier, you will not be affected by this change in the national legislation and your guarantee pension will continue to be paid out to you.

What will happen next?

The Swedish Pensions Agency will decide on your right to guarantee pension and the withdrawal of that pension in December 2022. You will receive a separate decision regarding the withdrawal of guarantee pension from January 2023.