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How to report changes that may affect your pension – those living abroad

If you live outside of Sweden and receive a Swedish pension, you must notify us of any changes that may affect your pension. For example, please notify us if you change address, if your pension changes or you receive a new pension, or if your marital status changes.  

It is your responsibility to notify us that a change has occurred which may affect your pension. If you receive too much money, you may become liable for repayment.  

Changes you need to report to the Swedish Pensions Agency

We need to know if any of the following changes occur:

  • You move to another country.
  • You change your address in the country in which you live.
  • You receive a new pension or annuity, or changes are made to existing ones you receive from a country other than Sweden.  
  • Your marital status changes – for example, you get married or divorced, or become a widow or widower.
  • You separate from or begin cohabiting with someone you have been married to or have a child with.
  • When you die, your next of kin must notify us of this so that we do not continue to make pension payments. 

How to notify us of changes

Most changes can be made online. If you do not have a Swedish electronic ID, you can send us a letter with your changed information instead.

You are welcome to contact our Customer Service if you have any questions.Contact our Customer Service

You must always notify us if you begin to receive a new pension or annuity from a country other than Sweden. You also have to notify us if an existing pension or annuity changes, or you receive a different amount. Your pension from another country may affect the calculation of your Swedish pension.

It is important that you notify us of these changes as soon as possible. If your pension payments are too high because we have not been given the correct information, you may become liable for repayment.Report pension from another country

If you live outside of Sweden, you must always notify us of any change to your marital status. This might be that you get married or divorced, or that you become a widow or widower. The same applies for registered partners.Register or change marital status

It is important that we have your current address so that

  • you receive the payments you are entitled to.
  • we can reach you by post with e.g. decisions on disbursements, life certificates or other important information.

If you live outside of Sweden, you must always notify us if you change address, as you are not included in the Swedish population register. You must notify us of your new address regardless of whether you move within your country of residence or move to another country. You must also notify us if the address of your child or your child’s guardian changes.

Your pension from the Swedish Pensions Agency may be affected by which country you live in or move to. It is therefore important that you notify us of your new address as soon as possible. If the pension paid to you is incorrect because we do not have the correct information, you may be liable for repayment. 

You must inform us of your new address by letter or by phoning our Customer Service.

Contact details

Postal address: Pensionsmyndigheten, 839 77 Östersund, SWEDEN

Email: international@pensionsmyndigheten.se

Phone: +46 498 200 700

We need to be notified when someone receiving payments from the Swedish Pensions Agency dies while living outside of Sweden.

The information we need is the name and personal identity number of the person, the date of their death and a copy of the death certificate. We also need your contact details as next of kin.

We may demand repayment of any pension payments that were made in error.

You need to notify us by letter or by phoning our Customer Service.

Contact details

Postal address: Pensionsmyndigheten, 839 77 Östersund, SWEDEN

Email: international@pensionsmyndigheten.se

Phone: +46 498 200 700